Champagne village profile: Bergères-sous-Montmirail in the Val du Petit Morin

Diagram Bergères-sous-Montmirail 201603Key facts

Located in subregion/area: Côte des Blancs / Val du Petit Morin
Vineyards and grape varieties: 41.9 hectares (103.5 acres), of which 59% Pinot Meunier, 31% Pinot Noir, and 10% Chardonnay.

Classification: “Autre cru” (82%)


The map is linked from Wikimedia Commons, and the geographical information originates from OpenStreetMap. The dotted white area corresponds to the vineyards, light yellow is other open terrain, orange is built-up areas, and green indicates forest.

Google Maps view with all the villages in the Val du Petit Morin area highlighted. Étoges, the single premier cru village of the area, is in yellow and other villages, including Mondement-Montgivroux, in orange.

Clicking on a village opens a field to the left with a link to the village profile.

Neighbouring villages

None of the communes that border to Bergères-sous-Montmirail are part of the Champagne appellation, since the commune are located somewhat isolated from the other in the Val du Petit Morin area, that are located further to the east.

The church in Bergères-sous-Montmirail. Picture linked from Wikimedia Commons (photo G.Garitan, 2014).

The village

Bergères-sous-Montmirail is located at Le Petit Morin, the river that has lended its name to the area, and it is the westernmost Champagne village of the Val du Petit Morin.

The Bergères-sous-Montmirail commune covers 1052 hectares and has 127 inhabitants (as of 2013). Montmirail, the neighboring commune, is more of a small town with 3691 inhabitants.


The vineyards in Bergères-sous-Montmirail are located in one block just northeast of the village, at the hamlet Boutavent, and consist of mild south-facing slopes. Pinot Meunier is the most common grape variety.

The current vineyard surface in the Mondement-Montgivroux commune is 41.9 hectares (103.5 acres). There are 24.6 ha Pinot Meunier (58.7%), 13.0 ha Pinot Noir (31.0%), and 4.3 ha Chardonnay (10.3%). Numbers from CIVC, as of 2013. In 1997, the vineyard surface was 35 ha. There are 29 vineyard owners (exploitants) in the commune.

A mill in Bergères-sous-Montmirail down at the Petit Morin river. Picture linked from Wikimedia Commons (photo G.Garitan, 2014).

Champagne producers

Champagne growers

Producer status is indicated where known: RM = récoltant-manipulant, or grower-producers. RC = récoltant-coopérateur, growers that are cooperative members but sell Champagnes under their own name. SR = société de récoltants, owned by a number of growers of the same family and sells under its own name.

  • Daniel Champion (RC), has 5 ha of vineyards and a range that includes a vintage Champagne.
  • Crochet-Rivière (SR)
  • R. Vallet-Gadret (RM)

Comment: the list may not be complete.

Château Bergères. Picture linked from Wikimedia Commons (photo G.Garitan, 2014).


© Tomas Eriksson 2016, last update 2017-01-21

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