Champagne village profile: La Ville-sous-Orbais on the left bank of the Marne valley

Diagram La Ville-sous-Orbais 201512Key facts

Located in: Vallée de la Marne: Vallée de la Marne Rive Gauche
Vineyards and grape varieties: 0.4 hectares (1.0 acres), of which 100% Pinot Meunier.
Classification: “Autre cru” (82%?)


The map is linked from Wikimedia Commons, and the geographical information originates from OpenStreetMap. The dotted white area corresponds to the vineyards, light yellow is other open terrain, orange is built-up areas, and green indicates forest. The dashed red line in the left-hand part of the map is the departmental border between Marne (where La Ville-sous-Orbais is located) and Aisne.

Google Maps view with the villages in the Vallée de la Marne Rive Droite highlighted.

Clicking on a village opens a field to the left with a link to the village profile.

Neighbouring villages

Northnortheast: Igny-Comblizy
Southeast: Orbais-l’Abbaye
Northwest: Le Breuil
Comment: some of the villages to the southwest and southeast on the map are not part of the Champagne appellation and therefore don’t have any profiles.

The church in La Ville-sous-Orbais. Picture linked from Wikimedia Commons (photo Garitan, 2014).

The village

La Ville-sous-Orbais is located on the left bank of the Marne river, which means south of the river. The village is located at Le Surmelin, a river which flows through the southern part of the Terroir de Condé area, and then empties into the Marne River downstreams at Mézy-Moulins. The valley formed by Le Surmelin is called Vallée du Surmelin, and in Champagne terms it consists of the southern part of the two areas Vallée de la Marne Rive Gauche and Terroir de Condé.

The La Ville-sous-Orbais commune covers 1105 hectares and has 51 inhabitants (as of 2013).


The current vineyard surface in the La Ville-sous-Orbais commune is 0.4 hectares (1.0 acres). It consists of 0.4 ha Pinot Meunier (100%). Numbers from CIVC, as of 2013. There are no vineyard owners (exploitants) in the commune.

Champagne producers

I haven’t found any Champagne producers with a seat in La Ville-sous-Orbais.


© Tomas Eriksson 2016, last update 2017-01-21

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1 Response to Champagne village profile: La Ville-sous-Orbais on the left bank of the Marne valley

  1. Walter Henao says:

    This is fantastic thank you

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