sChampagne village profile: Givry-lès-Loisy in the Val du Petit Morin

Diagram Givry-lès-Loisy 201512Key facts

Located in subregion/area: Côte des Blancs / Val du Petit Morin
Vineyards and grape varieties: 26.1 hectares (64.5 acres), of which 62% Pinot Meunier, 20% Chardonnay, and 18% Pinot Noir.

Classification: “Autre cru” (85%)


The map is linked from Wikimedia Commons, and the geographical information originates from OpenStreetMap. The dotted white area corresponds to the vineyards, light yellow is other open terrain, orange is built-up areas, and green indicates forest.

Google Maps view with the villages in the Val du Petit Morin area highlighted. The area’s only premier cru village, Étréchy, is shown in yellow and the other villages in orange.

Clicking on a village opens a field to the left with a link to the village profile, if it exists.

Neighbouring villages

North: Vertus, premier cru (part of the Côte des Blancs)
Northeast: Soulières
Southeast: Étréchy, premier cru
South: Vert-Toulon
Southwest: Loisy-en-Brie
Comment: one of the communes to the northwest is not part of the Champagne appellation and therefore doesn’t have any village profile.

The village

Church tower in Givry-lès-Loisy. Picture linked from Wikimedia Commons (photo François Collard, 2009).

Givry-lès-Loisy is located in the northern part of the Val du Petit Morin, and is located some distance from the Petit Morin. The village is also located south of a small forest which separates it from the Côteaux Sud d’Épernay area.

The Givry-lès-Loisy commune covers 505 hectares and has 88 inhabitants (as of 2013) referred to as Givryats and Givryates.


The vineyards in Givry-lès-Loisy are located around the village and consist of rather mild south- to southeast-facing slopes that are dominated by Pinot Meunier.

The current vineyard surface in the Givry-lès-Loisy commune is 26.1 hectares (64.5 acres). There are 16.1 ha Pinot Meunier (61.7%), 5.3 ha Chardonnay (20.3%), and 4.7 ha Pinot Noir (18.0%). Numbers from CIVC, as of 2013. In 1997, the vineyard surface was 26 ha. There are 16 vineyard owners (exploitants) in the commune.

Champagne producers

Champagne growers

Producer status is indicated where known: RM = récoltant-manipulant, or grower-producers. RC = récoltant-coopérateur, growers that are cooperative members but sell Champagnes under their own name.

Comment: It is not certain that the list is complete.


© Tomas Eriksson 2016, last update 2017-01-21

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